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Every Wooden Pool is delivered as a complete package, with everything needed to make your dream a reality. All you need to do is lay a base (Concrete recommended) fit the electrics, put up your pool and fill with water – nothing could be more simple. The combination of materials enables a 10-year manufacturers warranty on the wall. All pools are delivered with a blue liner with mosaic tile band.
All pool kits consist of the following: -
- Red wood wall and structure.
- New upgraded two piece hardwood top.
- Hidden under fixing kit.
- Corner cover strips.
- Internal stainless steel ladder.
- External wooden ladder.
- Felt and Foam underlay.
- Blue 30 thou liner with mosaic tileband.
- Complete filtration kit (including pipework and fittings).
- Maintenance kit.
- Water treatment kit.
- Solar cover.
- Winter debris cover.
- Installation guide.
- Assembly D.V.D.
- 10 year warranty on wall.
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Typical assembly (Guide only) details are as follows:-

What's Included